In Fargo, North Dakota, in September 1992, Newbery medalist Spinelli was asked, "Do you think being a kid helped you become a writer?" In this warm, deeply personal memoir of the kid he was, Spinelli takes us to Norristown, Pennsylvania, in the 1950s. In the last chapter, the author states, "I mixed my memories with imagination to make stories, to make fiction, and when I finished writing, I had a book, my fifth novel.It became my first published book.I continued to write stories about kids and to rummage through the attic of my memories." Lucky for his readers!-Kate Kohlbeck, Randall School, Waukesha, WI Readers may not be familiar with all of the lingo (Bonomo's Turkish taffy) or personalities (Lash La Rue), but they will enjoy the humorous episodes. Black-and-white photos present amusing images from his past. In a conversational tone, Spinelli fondly recalls neighbors, pastimes, and events of the 1940s and 50s. Even though he only read cereal boxes and comic books as a child, he displays and describes his "early leaning toward language." Phrases such as "music's bunkhouse" to define an old crank phonograph, and using "picturing" to "co-create the moment" to show how listening to the radio was interactive, are evidence of his talent with words. Although the first five pages are slow moving, detail laden, and rather puzzling in parts, the rest of the book takes off as Spinelli takes small, seemingly insignificant snippets of the 10 years he lived on George Street on the West End of Norristown, PA, and explains from his adult viewpoint how they were stepping-stones to his success as a popular children's book author. JGr 5 Up-A loving reminiscence of childhood. As Spinelli effortlessly spins the story of an ordinary Pennsylvania boy, he also documents the evolution of an exceptional author. Wedged between sometimes painful, more often hilarious scenes of preadolescent and adolescent angst are quiet, contemplative moments when young Spinelli develops his artistic imagination replaying the days' events and pondering such mysteries as time, space and the origin of knots in his yo-yo string. The audience might be content to bask in the warm glow of post-WWII reflections, but the author has other plans: he shows readers how the seeds of a writer were planted in his youth. They fought back") and to feel the "clack" of colliding teeth during his first kiss with Kathy Heller (in a game of Truth or Consequences). Seeton calling not only her own brood but all the kids home to their suppers ("for a mother's call somehow touches us all") to smell the "sour, vaguely rotten" aroma of the Adam Scheidt Brewing Company to savor the taste of Texas Hot Wieners ("They had spunk. He invites readers to gaze upon the same stars he studied as a child to listen for the "not-very-loud" whistle of Mrs. His descriptions of his childhood universe (which does not extend beyond Norristown, Pa.) elicits the use of all five senses.

Starred review from MaIn this montage of sharply focused memories punctuated with b&w photographs, Spinelli (Maniac Magee Wringer) reconstructs the experience of growing up during the '50s.

Ikyra_marie - Jerry Spinelli is a great author.